Monday, October 9, 2017

Shmini Atzeres / Simchas Torah 5778

Here is the schedule for the last days of yom tov - Shemini 

Atzeres and Simchas Torah.

This is a triple set of holy days (shabbos included). You have to make an Eruv

Tavshilin (brachah in any siddur or machzor) during the preparations offood for

Shmini Atzeres.


Wednesday, Oct. 11:
Candle lighting: 6:06 pm

Minchah & Ma'ariv: 6:05 pm


Thursday, Oct. 12:
Shacharis: 9:00 am

Yizkor services: 11:00 am
Minchah 6:05 pm

Ma'ariv & Hakaffos: 7:05 pm

Candle lighting after 7:06 pm


Friday, Oct. 13:
Shacharis: 9:00 am

Hakkafos: 10:30 am, followed by Musaf 
Minchah followed by Kabbalas Shabbos: 6:00 pm

Candle lighting by 6:02 pm


Saturday, Oct. 14

Shacharis: 9:00 am followed by kiddush

Shabbos ends at 7:03 pm